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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Carnotaurus[]

Carnotaurus was a large predatory dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period. It was about 25 ft long and was a member of the group Abelisauridae.

In Game[]

Carnotaurus is the a rare dinosaur that can be obtained through it's EARTH SHATTERING EVENT . It can be bought for 730 DNA .

The decent stats this creature has along with the ability to be fused into Carnoraptor makes this dinosaur a must have for beginners. This dinosaur is a stepping stone into mid-game.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 790 None None Discovered in 1984, the Carnotaurus is best known from a single skeleton found in the Argentinian Chubut Province. Carnotaurus-10
2 None 5710 None None Did you know that of all the carnivorous bipedal dinosaurs, the Carnotaurus is the only one to have horns? Carnotaurus-20
3 29 13100 None None Carnotaurus is Latin for 'meat-eating bull,' due to its bull-like horns. Carnotaurus-30
4 58 20765 58 None The modern Carnotaurus created by InGen has chameleon-like camouflage which it uses to ambush its prey! Carnotaurus-40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 4 Hours Health Attack
1 789 114 76 29
2 1563 228 80 31
3 2351 342 84 32
4 3110 456 88 34
5 3899 570 93 35
6 4672 684 97 37
7 5461 798 101 39
8 6220 912 105 40
9 7008 1025 109 42
10 Evolve 50DNA

/30 min

1139 114 43
11 5709 2506 147 56
12 6220 2734 152 58
13 6746 2961 158 60
14 7271 3189 163 62
15 7797 3417 168 64
16 8308 3645 173 66
17 8833 3872 179 68
18 9344 4100 184 70
19 9870 4328 189 72
20 Evolve 60DNA

/1 h

4556 194 74
21 13097 9566 240 92
22 13710 10022 246 94
23 14338 10477 252 96
24 14951 10933 259 99
25 15579 11388 265 101
26 16192 11844 271 104
27 16820 12300 278 106
28 17433 12755 284 108
29 18075 13211 290 111
30 Evolve 70DNA

/2 h

13666 296 113
31 28243 353 135
40 Fuse with Pyroraptor to create Carnoraptor Evolve xDNA

/x h

36442 419 160

Packs that Contain Carnotaurus[]


