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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Cerazinosaurus[]

Cerazinosaurus is a genetically modified hybrid of Ceratosaurus and Therizinosaurus.

In Game[]

Cerazinosaurus is one of the most powerful creatures in the game as it can closely rival the stats of Armormata, Yudon, Chromaspinus, Pachygalosaurus, Gorgosuchus, Erliphosaurus, Pteraquetzal, Segnosuchus, Metriaphodon, Zalmonodon, Scorpios rex and Dracoceratops. Against all of the mentioned hybrids Cerazinosaurus is primarily a bargain and very reliable hybrid for Late-End Game. Due to it's high overall stats and cheap DNA Cost Cerazinosaurus can be considered as a cheaper version of Yudon.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 26325 None None The Cerazinosaurus is a hybrid of Therizinosaurus and Ceratosaurus, two predators that may have lived up to 100 million years apart! File:Cerazinosaurus lvl 10.png
2 None 190350 None None Cerazinosaurus, or 'horn rake lizard,' takes its name from the Ceratosaurus's sharp horn and the raking claws of the Therizinosaurus! File:Cerazinosaurus lvl 20.png
3 100 871560 None None Created by InGen, the Cerazinosaurus has both feathers and scales, inherited from each of its "parent"! File:Cerazinosaurus lvl 30.png
4 100 3685605 1500 None The forelimbs of the Cerazinosaurus are more flexible than those of Ceratosaurus. An inheritance from the long-armed Therizinosaurus. File:Cerazinosaurus lvl 40.png

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 9 hours Health Attack
1 26325 2297 1653 632
2 51840 4593 1745 667
3 78064 6890 1837 702
4 103578 9186 1929 737
5 129803 11482 2021 772
6 155308 13779 2113 807
7 181542 16075 2205 842
8 207857 18371 2296 877
9 233280 20668 2388 912
10 140 dna

8 hours

22964 2480 947
11 190350 50250 3215 1228
12 207259 55113 3330 1272
13 224775 59706 3445 1316
14 241887 64298 3559 1360
15 259403 68891 3674 1403
16 276312 73484 3789 1447
17 293828 78076 3904 1491
18 310939 82669 4019 1535
19 320455 87262 4134 1579
20 160 dna

12 hours

91854 4248 1623
21 871560 192894 5236 2000
22 912769 202079 5379 2052
23 954585 211265 5511 2105
24 995389 220450 2158 5649
25 1037408 229636 5887 2210
26 1078617 238821 5925 2263
27 1120534 248006 2316 6062
28 1611338 257192 6200 2368
29 1203357 266377 6338 2421
30 180 dna


275562 6476 2473
31 3685602 569495 7716 2947
32 3802647 587866 7877 3008
33 3923134 606237 8037 3070
34 4040078 624608 8198 3131
35 4160768 652978 8359 3193
36 4277813 661349 8520 3254
37 4398503 679720 8680 3315
38 4515053 698091 8841 3377
39 4636035 716462 9002 3438
40 None 734832 9163 3500

Packs Cerazinosaurus is Found In[]

