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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Chromaspinus[]

Chromaspinus is a genetically-modified hybrid of Spinosaurus Gen 2 and Parasaurolophus Gen 2

In Game[]

Chromaspinus is one of the stronger Tournament hybrids in the game, making it a strong competitor to hybrids such as Pachygalosaurus, Yudon, Cerazinosaurus and Armormata making it a worthy competitor for late-end game.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 28860 None None The Chromaspinus was created by Jurassic Park scientists genetically splicing DNA from Spinosauruses with that of Parasaurolophuses. Chromaspinus lvl 10
2 None 208680 None None Chromaspinus has inherited Spinosaurus' back crest as well as Parasaurolophus' skull crest. Chromaspinus lvl 20
3 100 955490 None None Jurassic Park scientists weren't sure whether to feed Chromaspinus fish or plants, so they tried both and found it like both. Chromaspinus lvl 30
4 100 4040515 1500 None Chromaspinus' love of fish and plant material was discovered when a lab tech lost their sushi lunch to the juvenile dinosaur. Chromaspinus lvl 40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 3 Hours Health Attack
1 28861 1679 2014 629
2 56832 3357 2126 664
3 85581 5035 2238 699
4 113553 6714 2350 734
5 142302 8392 2462 769
6 170274 10070 2573 804
7 199023 11749 2685 839
8 226995 13427 2797 874
9 255745 15105 2909 909
10 140DNA


16784 3021 944
11 208680 36924 3916 1224
12 227217 40280 4056 1267
13 246421 43637 4196 1311
14 265179 46993 4336 1355
15 284382 50350 4476 1399
16 302919 53707 4615 1442
17 322122 57063 4755 1486
18 340881 60420 4895 1530
19 360084 63777 5035 1573
20 160DNA


67133 5175 1617
21 955489 140979 6378 1993
22 1000666 147693 6545 2045
23 1046509 154406 6713 2098
24 1091241 161119 6881 2150
25 1137306 167832 7049 2203
26 1182483 174546 7217 2255
27 1228437 181259 7385 2308
28 1273170 187972 7552 2360
29 1319235 194686 7720 2413
30 180DNA


201399 7888 2465
31 4040512 416224 9399 2937
32 4168828 429650 9594 2998
33 4300917 443077 9790 3059
34 4429122 456504 9986 3121
35 4561434 469930 10182 3182
36 4689750 483357 10378 3243
37 4822062 496783 10573 3304
38 4950822 510210 10769 3365
39 5082468 523636 10965 3427
40 None 537063 11161 3488

Packs that Contain Chromaspinus[]



