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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Diplosuchus[]

Diplosuchus is a genetically engineered super-hybrid of Diplotator and Sarcosuchus S-DNA.

In Game[]

Due to the lack of good late-game Amphibians, obtaining Diplosuchus might be considered a good choice. Diplosuchus the easiest superhybrid to unlock, as it is made from Diplotator, which the player usually unlocks in early-game. While it's stats are fairly low, it's worth keeping duplicates of Diplosuchus as they are fairly useful for taking down carnivores and as DNA. Selling for 19,740 DNA, it is useful to keep a few extra around when the player needs to get their DNA back to a more fairly manageable amount after using their DNA to buy more expensive dinosaurs. However, it should eventually be replaced by legendary hybrid tier Amphibians or higher.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 6250 None None Diplosuchus means "double crocodile." The name suits this extra-aggressive crocodile hybrid! Diplosuchus 1-10
2 None 45260 None None Diplosuchus is more agile on land than most crocodilians due to its slightly longer legs Diplosuchus 11-20
3 26 103430 None None Diplosuchus rarely digs its own burrows. Instead, it steals them from other swamp dwelling creatures Diplosuchus 21-30
4 53 218890 1500 None Diplosuchus is sometimes observed sharpening its claws. The behavior suggests high intelligence Diplosuchus 31-40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 3 Hours Health Attack
1 6246 583 1135 477
2 12375 1166 1198 504
3 18620 1749 1261 530
4 24634 2332 1324 557
5 30879 2915 1387 583
6 37008 3498 1450 610
7 43254 4081 1513 636
8 49267 4664 1576 663
9 55512 5246 1639 689
10 Evolve 100DNA


5829 1702 716
11 45258 12824 1714 721
12 49344 13990 1775 747
13 53508 15155 1836 773
14 57517 16321 1897 798
15 61680 17487 1958 824
16 65767 18653 2020 850
17 69930 19818 2081 876
18 73939 20984 2142 901
19 78180 22150 2203 927
20 Evolve 120DNA


23316 2264 953
21 103430 48962 2280 960
22 108249 51294 2340 985
23 113260 53625 2400 1010
24 118079 55957 2460 1036
25 123129 58288 2520 1061
26 127948 60620 2580 1086
27 132959 62951 2640 1111
28 137778 65283 2700 1137
29 142751 67614 2760 1162
30 Evolve 140DNA


69946 2820 1187
31 218887 144554 2876 1188
32 225826 149217 2936 1213
33 232997 153880 2996 1237
34 239936 158543 3056 1262
35 247067 163206 3116 1287
36 254045 167869 3176 1311
37 261215 172532 3236 1336
38 268154 177195 3296 1361
39 275325 181858 3356 1386
40 None 186521 3415 1410

Packs that Contain Diplosuchus[]



