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About the Pack[]

The Fright Pack contains various Carnivores. Troodon is featured on the cover.
Card 1: | Card 2: | Card 3: | Card 4: |
2500 DNA (25%) | 2500 DNA (25%) | 2500 DNA (25%) | Erliphosaurus (2%) |
500 Dino Bucks (75%) | 500 Dino Bucks (75%) | 500 Dino Bucks (75%) | Baryonyx (2%) |
- | - | - | Lythronax (5%) |
- | - | - | Troodon (15%) |
- | - | - | Ceratosaurus (15%) |
- | - | - | Gorgosaurus (18%) |
- | - | - | Ostafrikasaurus (21%) |
- | - | - | Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 (21%) |