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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Gorgosuchus[]

Gorgosuchus is a genetically modified hybrid of Gorgosaurus and Kaprosuchus. It has armor on its back, a small horn on its snout and a sharp claw at the end of its jaw, a prominent feature on the Kaprosuchus. It was released on December 7, 2016.

In Game[]

Gorgosuchus is one of the strongest amphibians in the game, surpassing Ostaposaurus by a wide margin. It used to be the best one for a long time, until better options like the Bagehesaurus and the Ophthaceraspis were introduced much later, outclassing it severely.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 21710 None None Did you know that the Gorgosuchus is a distant relative to the Tyrannosaurus rex?! Gorgosuchus Lvl 1-10
2 None 156980 None None Combining the strongest traits of Gorgosaurus and Kaprosuchus, the Gorgosuchus's name means 'dreadful crocodile'! Gorgosuchus Level 20
3 100 718770 None None Measuring at 6700 pounds per square inch, the force of a Gorgosuchus bite rivals a modern saltwater crocodile! Gorgosuchus Lvl 21-30
4 100 3039485 None 885 The Gorgosuchus is an exclusively terrestrial predator, preferring to hunt a range of smaller ceratopsids and hadrosaurs. Gorgosuchus Lvl 31-40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 22 Hours Health Attack
1 21711 3262 1667 426
2 42752 6524 1759 450
3 64379 9785 1852 473
4 85421 13047 1944 497
5 107048 16308 2037 521
6 128090 19570 2129 544
7 149716 22831 2222 568
8 170758 26093 2315 592
9 192385 29354 2407 615
10 Evolve 140DNA

/8 hrs

32616 2500 639
11 156980 71754 3240 829
12 170925 78277 3356 858
13 185371 84800 3472 888
14 199482 91323 3588 917
15 213928 97846 3703 947
16 227872 104369 3819 977
17 242318 110892 3935 1006
18 256429 117415 4051 1036
19 270874 123938 4166 1065
20 Evolve 160DNA

/ 12 hrs

130461 4282 1095
21 718769 273967 5277 1349
22 752753 287013 5416 1385
23 787239 300059 5555 1420
24 820889 313105 5694 1456
25 855542 326151 5833 1491
26 889526 339198 5972 1527
27 924095 352244 6111 1562
28 957746 365290 6250 1598
29 992398 378336 6388 1633
30 Evolve 180DNA

/1 D (24 hrs)

391382 6527 1669
31 3039484 808855 7777 1989
32 3136010 834947 7939 2030
33 3235375 861039 8101 2071
34 3331818 887131 8263 2113
35 3431350 913223 8425 2154
36 3527876 939315 8587 2196
37 3627408 965407 8749 2237
38 3724268 991500 8911 2279
39 3823299 1017592 9073 2320
40 Max Level 1043684 9235 2361

Packs that Contain Gorgosuchus[]



