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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Guanlong[]

Guanlong (冠龍) is a genus of extinct proceratosaurid tyrannosauroid from the Late Jurassic of China. The taxon was first described in 2006 by Xu Xing et al., who found it to represent a new taxon related to Tyrannosaurus. The name is derived from Chinese, translating as "crown dragon". Two individuals are currently known, a partially complete adult and a nearly complete juvenile. These specimens come from the Oxfordian stage of the Chinese Shishugou Formation.[1]

In Game[]

Guanlong is a cheap early-game Carnivore that can eventually be fused to make a hybrid, Metrialong. Although its coin production can go on for 6 hours, it is the third lowest coin producing creature, being ahead of Bonitasaura and Diplocaulus, and behind Tropeognathus, and the Carnivore that produces the least Coins.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 240 None None Did you know that its name, Guanlong, is derived from Chinese? It translates to 'five colored crowned dragon.' Guanlong lvl 10
2 None 2605 None None The Guanlong earns its name from the crest on its skull and colorful badlands of Wucaiwan, where its fossils were first found. Guanlong lvl 20
3 7 5970 None None Standing at 3.3 feet tall, the Guanlong is just shy of 10 feet in length! Guanlong lvl 30
4 13 9460 13 None Did you know the Guanlong lived 92 million years before the T. rex? Unlike other tyrannosaurs, it has three long fingers on its hands! Guanlong lvl 40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 6 Hours Health Attack
1 240 48 46 14
2 473 96 49 15
3 712 144 51 16
4 945 192 54 17
5 1184 240 56 18
6 1417 288 59 18
7 1656 336 61 19
8 1889 384 64 20
9 2128 431 66 21
10 40DNA


479 69 22
11 2601 1054 89 28
12 2833 1150 93 29
13 30763 1245 96 30
14 3312 1341 99 31
15 3552 1437 102 32
16 3784 1533 105 33
17 4024 1628 109 34
18 4256 1724 112 35
19 4496 1820 115 36
20 50DNA


1916 118 37
21 596 4022 146 45
22 6245 4214 149 47
23 6531 4405 153 48
24 6810 4597 157 49
25 7096 4788 161 50
26 7375 4980 165 51
27 7661 5172 169 53
28 7941 5363 172 54
29 8233 5555 176 55
30 60DNA


5746 180 56
31 9457 11875 215 67
32 9769 12258 219 68
33 10075 12641 223 70
34 10374 13024 228 71
35 10687 13407 232 73
36 10986 13790 327 74
37 11292 14173 241 75
38 11591 14556 246 77
39 11904 14939 250 78
40 None 15322 255 80

Packs that Contain Guanlong[]


  • Despite it having raptor animations, Guanlong is actually an early relative of the tyrannosaurs.




