Jurassic World: The Game Wiki

We have moved! See THIS REDDIT POST for more info.


Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
We have moved to a new wiki!
Please read this Reddit post for more information.

About the Pack[]

Hybrid Haul Pack

The Hybrid Haul Pack contains various Hybrids meant to help players boost their progress towards certain Badges.


Card 1: Card 2: Card 3: Card 4:
500 Dino Bucks (50%) 500 Dino Bucks (50%) 523500 Coins (25%) Priotrodon (<1%)
2500 DNA (50%) 2500 DNA (50%) 261800 Food (25%) Ostaposaurus (<1%)
- - 500 Dino Bucks (25%) Rajastega (<1%)
- - 2500 DNA (25%) Koolasaurus (1%)
- - - Unayrhynchus (1%)
- - - Nundagosaurus (15%)
- - - Indominus rex (<1%)
- - - Suchoripterus (1%)
- - - Suprannotitan (3%)
- - - Ankylodocus (3%)
- - - Spinoraptor (4%)
- - - Stegoceratops (4%)
- - - Metrialong (4%)
- - - Giganocephalus (4%)
- - - Parasaura (5%)
- - - Tropeogopterus (5%)
- - - Tapejalosaurus (8%)
- - - Carnoraptor (9%)
- - - Pachyceratops (11%)
- - - Diplotator (18%)