Jurassic World: The Game Wiki

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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Rivera[]

Indoraptor Gen 2 is a variant of the Indoraptor.

In Game[]

Indoraptor Gen 2 is bulkier than its Gen 1 counterpart, able to take bigger hits while sacrificing damage output. It is comparable to Yudon in stats, as it has very similar health and attack. The Indoraptor Gen 2 has the most ferocity of all.

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 35100 None None The Indoraptor Gen 2 is always alert and has nearly perfect echolocation, making it impossible to ambush. Indoraptor Gen 2 lvl 10
2 None 253800 None None This superhybrid is easily aggravated and will swiftly decimate creatures infringing on it's territory, even after it has been fed. Screenshot 2020-06-19 212349
3 80 1162080 None None Herbivores inhabiting the area the Indoraptor Gen 2 is known to roam have begun to show heightened levels of anxiety. Screenshot 2020-06-19 212537
4 100 4914135 1500 None The difference of coloring between the Indoraptor Gen 2 and the original is said to be the result of the alternative DNA used when creating the Gen 2. Screenshot 2020-06-19-20-31-25-299

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 10 Hours Health Attack
1 35100 3232 4493 1404
2 69120 6464 4742 1482
3 104085 9696 4992 1560
4 139105 12928 5242 1638
5 173070 16160 5491 1716
6 207090 19392 5741 1794
7 242055 22624 5990 1872
8 276075 25856 6240 1950
9 311040 6490 2028 2028
10 140DNA


32320 6739 2106
11 253800 71102 6832 2135
12 276345 77566 7076 2211
13 299700 84030 7320 2288
14 322515 90494 7564 2364
15 345870 96958 7808 2440
16 368415 103421 8052 2516
17 391770 109885 8296 2593
18 414585 116349 8540 2669
19 437940 122813 8784 2745
20 160DNA


129277 9028 2821
21 1162080 271480 9302 2907
22 1217025 284408 9547 2984
23 1272780 297335 9792 3060
24 1327185 310263 10037 3137
25 1383210 323190 10282 3213
26 1438155 336118 10526 3290
27 1494045 349046 10771 3366
28 1548450 361973 11016 3443
29 1604475 374901 11261 3519
30 180DNA


387829 11506 3596
31 4914135 801512 11827 3696
32 5070195 827367 12074 3773
33 5230845 853222 12320 3850
34 5386770 879077 12566 3927
35 5547690 904933 12813 4004
36 5703750 930788 13059 4081
37 5864670 956643 13306 4158
38 6021270 982498 13552 4235
39 6181380 1008353 13798 4312
40 None 1034209 14045 4389

Packs that Contain Indoraptor Gen 2[]



