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Jurassic World: The Game Wiki
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About Secodontosaurus[]

Secodontosaurus (meaning "cutting-tooth lizard") is an extinct genus of "pelycosaur" synapsids that lived from between about 285 to 272 million years ago during the Early Permian. Like the well known Dimetrodon, Secodontosaurus is a carnivorous member of the Eupelycosauria family Sphenacodontidae and has a similar tall dorsal sail. However, its skull is long, low, and narrow, with slender jaws that have teeth that are very similar in size and shape—unlike the shorter, deep skull of Dimetrodon ("two-measure tooth"), which has large, prominent canine-like teeth in front and smaller slicing teeth further back in its jaws. Its unusual long, narrow jaws suggest that Secodontosaurus may have been specialized for catching fish or for hunting prey that lived or hid in burrows or crevices. Although no complete skeletons are currently known, Secodontosaurus likely ranged from about 2 to 2.7 meters (7–9 ft) in length, weighing up to 110 kilograms (250 lb).[1]

In Game[]

Secodontosaurus is unlocked via tournaments or a Clash of Titans event. Once unlocked, it can be proven to be a viable creature late game. With its massive amount of health, it is able to tank multiple hits from other creatures without dying, including some of the weaker amphibians. Even though it has comparatively low attack, it can still be utilized to take on creatures with low to mid-range health pools. It is recommended to use it as a meatshield at the start of a battle to build up reserve points, much like its fellow health tanks Ceratosaurus, Einiosaurus, and Ornithocheirus.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table[]

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 5220 None None Did you know that Secodontosaurus comes from Latin and Greek for 'cutting-tooth lizard'? Secodontosaurus lvl 10
2 None 44300 None None Due to its long jaws, paleontologist Robert Bakker dubbed Secodontosaurus a 'fox-faced finback'. Secodontosaurus lvl 20
3 100 203000 None None The Secodontosaurus has slender jaws and consistent sized teeth specialized for catching fish and burrowing prey! Secodontosaurus lvl 30
4 100 857965 None 151 Growing up to 9 feet in length, an adult Secodontosaurus can weight over 250 pounds! Secodontosaurus lvl 40

Creature Stats[]

Level Food Cost Coins Per 12 Hours Health Attack
1 5220 731 651 110
2 10295 1462 688 116
3 15515 2193 724 122
4 20590 2924 760 128
5 25810 3655 769 134
6 30855 4385 832 140
7 36105 5116 869 146
8 41180 5847 905 152
9 46400 6578 941 158
10 70DNA


7309 977 164
11 44298 16078 1267 213
12 48358 17540 1312 221
13 52418 19001 1357 228
14 56333 20463 1402 236
15 60320 21925 1448 244
16 64380 23386 1493 251
17 68440 24848 1538 259
18 72428 26309 1583 266
19 76488 27771 1629 274
20 80DNA


29233 1674 282
21 203000 61388 2063 347
22 212425 64311 2117 356
23 222503 67234 2172 365
24 231855 70157 2226 375
25 241715 73081 2280 384
26 251213 76004 2334 393
27 260928 78927 2389 402
28 270498 81850 2443 411
29 280213 84773 2497 420
30 90DNA


87697 2552 429
31 857965 181239 3040 512
32 885008 187085 3103 522
33 913573 192932 3167 533
34 940760 198778 3230 544
35 968745 204625 3293 554
36 995933 210471 3357 565
37 1024063 216317 3420 576
38 1051250 222164 3483 586
39 1079018 228010 3547 597
40 None 233857 3610 607

Packs that Contain Secodontosaurus[]



